- Based
on your reflections, and on a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being optimal
wellbeing), where do you rate your A-physical wellbeing, B-spiritual
well-being, C-psychological well-being? Why?
I would rate my physical wellbeing at
an 8. The reason I choose an 8 is
because I am just getting back on track with my physical fitness goals. I found the first of the year quite a
challenge because I was dealing with an increase in clientele in my yoga
classes, my children’s schedules as well as a demanding workload in school and
work. In my yoga practice, I set a
monthly goal to work on a pose until I am able to really feel balanced in that
pose. I also run a few times a week and
am working on my next 10k. To prepare, I
am running 3 times a week and will increase my miles and frequency as I get
closer to the race. Since, I am only
taking one class this term, I am back on track with my fitness goals.
I would rate my spiritual wellbeing at
an 8 as well. During the first quarter
of the year, when it seemed my schedule was bursting at the seams, my
meditative practice is what helped me through.
I would take few minutes to breath and align myself before I proceeded
with my daily demands. I would like to
improve my meditative practice, however, by increasing the amount of time I can
sit in silence.
I like to think that my psychological
well-being is quite good. I am not ready
yet to say it is a 10 but I will give myself a 9. The reason, I choose 9 is because there are
not a lot of situations that take me out of my optimistic and positive
view. Typically, if my mental state is
low its because I am tired. I try to
approach everything even obstacles with positivity. I believe you get what you give so I want to
make sure that I am always giving the goodness that I would like to see. I think the reason I have a healthy mental
state is because I do the work to maintain it.
I try to stay physically well and spiritual well so that translates to
my mental health as well. I surround
myself with good people and have a great connection with my children and my
family. I also keep a journal, which
helps me pour out anything that hinders my mental flow.
- Develop
a goal for yourself in each area (physical, spiritual, psychological).
My physical goal is to be able to run
my 10k in less time than last year. I
would like to complete the race in 72 minutes this year.
My spiritual goal is to more time for
my meditative practice. I currently
meditate 30 minutes per day. I would
like to meditate one hour daily.
My psychological goal is to make sure
that I maintain my positive outlook at work.
I currently work in an environment with quite a few unhealthy people who
keep a lot of negativity going.
- What
activities or exercise can you implement in your life to assist in moving
toward each goal?
I will use a goal setting tool (
http://www.lululemon.com/education/goalsetting?mnid=mn;education;goal-setting) I got from Lululemon when I was one of their yoga ambassadors. This tool has helped me with my personal,
career and health goals. Working with
Lululemon staff help me develop my 1-year, 5-year and 10-year S.M.A.R.T. (Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely) goals. So taking my physical, spiritual and
psychological goals from above, I’ve come up with the following:
I complete 6 miles in
72 minutes by May 31st.
I complete a daily
1-hour meditation by June 1st.
I read my list of
daily affirmations from April 6th - April 29th.
- Complete
the relaxation exercise The Crime of the Century. To hear this exercise,
click here. Describe your experience. (What
it beneficial? Frustrating? etc.)
I truly enjoyed this exercise as
well. It reminds me of a chakra
meditation class I attended. And
though I have done chakra meditation and am familiar with the chakra system, I
never realized that the chakras were the same colors as the rainbow until I did
this exercise. My favorite part of this
exercise was the affirmations we were asked to think about when we transitioned
to the next color. I felt really
connected to the affirmations of each region we traveled to. After completing the exercise, I felt really
focused and connected for the rest of the day.
I felt more clear when I was reading our assignments and felt less
distracted and more open to the feeling of peace and calm. I was extremely productive that day and have
since listened two more times. I am
loving it!